Student Voice

At Baycroft, the Student Council is known as Student Voice. Each tutor group is represented by a student who has been elected to represent them. The elected students are also members of Student Voice and feed back the ideas and opinions to the school leaders. We also have student House Captains, who attend the meetings. This year, for the first time, we also have an elected Head of School.

You can see who our student leaders are here:

Student Leaders Overview 2023

The group mainly thinks about ways that they can improve life at school for everyone, in accordance with The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This responsibility is instrumental in developing moral, social, and cultural development as well as allowing the students to make an impact as part of The Baycroft 2025 vision. Examples of the topics we might cover are:

  • School grounds
  • Equipment and furniture
  • School uniform
  • Keeping safe
  • Recycling
  • School trips and extra-curricular opportunities

As a result, Student Voice has been instrumental in getting extra shaded areas in the grounds, a quiet games room for breaktimes, more outdoor seating and picnic tables and the creation of a Bill of Rights as well as amending our Behaviour for Learning Policy and codes of conduct to promote inclusivity. Student Voice have also been actively involved in the recruitment process for new staff.

The student leaders are a really important part of school governance as a whole. A new development is that governors take it in turns to attend our meetings, whereas we used to attend theirs. It is much more authentic and accessible this way round. This is a valuable time for Governors to hear the student voice, to explore with students the impact of actions and initiatives within school and to understand their experience of life at Baycroft.  We are incredibly proud of our Student Voice. Their ideas and opinions are well constructed and thoughtful, and we enjoy enabling the students to implement their ideas and giving them a sense of pride in how they have improved their environment.

Please view the documents below to see the minutes of the last meeting and how the work of our Student Voice is reflected in the rights and responsibilities of our students.

Please see below for the Minutes from the most recent Student Voice meeting: