Student Outcomes

Exam Results 2024

Baycroft congratulates the class of 2024 on their exceptionally hard work and commitment, which has achieved excellent results.

Our students achieved accreditation through a variety of different means which include; GCSEs, GCSE equivalent Gateway certificates and diplomas and pre-GCSE (Entry Level) Certificates of Achievement. As of 2024 all students secured further education placements.
Here is a link to the national qualifications framework:


There were 37 Year 11 students in the cohort, achieving accreditations. Of these all students achieved a qualification in English, Maths and Science.

All students had the opportunity to achieve up to 7 GCSE or ½ GCSE equivalents at Level 1 and Level 2. The reason why some vocational subjects are ½ rather than full GCSEs is due to the variations in guided learning hours in very practical aspects.
10 students achieved GCSE English grades from 1 – 3 along with 7 students achieving a GCSE Maths grade from 1 to 4.

In Art and Photography GCSEs, results range from Grades 1 to 5, reflecting the wide range of students able to access and be successful in these courses.

7 students achieved a full certificate in Sports Leadership qualification

Other vocational qualifications certificates successfully achieved by our students included:

  • Skills for Independence
  • Engineering
  • Independent Living
  • Child Care Skills
  • Skills in Land Based Sector
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Performing Arts
  • Building and Construction

One of the best indicators of the quality of our work with students is how well prepared they are for their lives beyond Baycroft. Here is information on the destinations of our leavers last year (NB: one student is equivalent to 2.7%)


Leavers Destinations

The following data sets are those which we are required to publish and are obviously intended for mainstream schools; as such they do not fully reflect the progress our pupils make, therefore we have included further information on progress and attainment below. The attainment and progress of our Young People does vary from year to year depending on the Individual Special Educational Needs with which they present. Please consider our cohorts are very small when reading this data. Finally, please use the further information below to see the full achievements of our students. Please note for the Year 2020 the government has announced that it will not publish any school or college level performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020.